Animals: Life and Love for Our Furry Friends in Hastings

Welcome to the lively world of animals in Hastings, Minnesota, where pets wag tails, wildlife roams freely, local shelters offer refuge, and veterinary services provide care with a gentle touch. The "Animals" page is an homage to our community's profound affection and responsibility for all creatures big and small.

From playful puppies and graceful deer to dedicated animal rescuers and compassionate veterinarians, explore the bonds that bind us to our non-human friends. Whether it's the joy of adopting a pet, the awe of watching wild animals, the support of local animal shelters, or the tireless efforts of veterinary services, these stories illustrate our community's unwavering love and care for animals.

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Explore the Animal Kingdom in Hastings

Discover More: Click on the names below to learn more about each pet store, animal hospital, and sanctuary. Discover their services, advocacy efforts, and how they enrich the lives of animals and humans alike in Hastings. The '10' links to heartwarming stories featured on's LOCAL 10.

Winter Warriors

Hastings' Heroes Making it a Paradise for Pets

Hello. We're diving into the wild world of Hastings, Minnesota, where the animals are not just surviving the winter; they're thriving thanks to some remarkable local heroes. Let's trot through the list, shall

  • First up, Animal Ark, a beacon of hope since the disco era, providing more care than your average pet spa. With 180 animals, they're not just a rescue; they're a full-on Noah's Ark, minus the global flood and the two-by-two business.

  • Then there's Emotional Rescue, where the dogs aren't just rescued; they're emotionally uplifted. It's like doggy therapy but with more wagging tails and fewer couches. If you're looking to start the year with a new furry therapist, they've got you covered.

  • Stroll down to Fluegel's Lawn, Garden, and Pet Supply, and you'll find more than just your average bag of kibble. They're a century-old establishment that probably knows more about your pet's needs than the internet. And let's be honest, the internet thinks it knows everything.

  • Get Real Dog Training is here to teach Fido that the sofa isn't a chew toy. With customized plans, they're addressing canine misdemeanors one paw at a time. They're the dog whisperers you didn't know you needed.

  • The Hastings Veterinary Clinic, standing strong since Kennedy was president, offers a full medical buffet for your four-legged friends. They're like the pet equivalent of a Swiss Army knife – but with less folding and more healing.

  • Northern Stars K9 Resort & Spa – because even your dog deserves a spa day. It's the kind of place that makes humans jealous. Pool parties, luxury suites... if they start offering doggy mimosas, I'm checking in myself.

  • Olive Dogs Grooming Salon, where the name says it all. They don't just love dogs; they 'olive' them. It's full-service pampering that might just make your pet more stylish than you.

  • Rach-Al-Paca Fiber Processing spins animal fleece into gold – well, not literally, but they might as well be the Rumpelstiltskins of the fiber world. They're turning your alpaca's bad hair day into the next great American sweater.

  • Rio Gran is where pets vacation when you're sipping cocktails in Cancun. They offer everything from obedience training to luxury suites. Because when you say 'sit', your dog should listen, even if they're on holiday.

  • And let's not forget Riverbend Pet Hospital, the guardians of pet health. With a range of services and an online shop, they're the Amazon Prime of veterinary care – but with more heart and fewer drones.

  • Lastly, This Old Horse, Inc., and Vermillion River Alpacas, because in Hastings, even horses and alpacas get a retirement plan. These folks are giving animals a second act that's better than most human mid-life crises.